Behind the Scenes

  1. Press: Underexposed Magazine

    May 14, 2019
    I will have to admit that I often get consumed with getting my work out there that I forget about some press I have received. Here is an interview I did with Underexposed Magazine a year ago. The work featured was the L.A. River series Perhaps screenshots aren’t so easy…

  2. Fotofest Day 1

    March 11, 2018
    As I sit here typing in my hotel room with my blood pressure skyrocketing and an never ending sense of panic, I decided to write a blog so I can remember what I discovered today. I am meeting with 37 different art world influencers doing 20 minute portfolio reviews, but…

  3. Art Palm Springs 2018

    February 23, 2018
    I was fortunate enough to be invited by the Maria Elena Kravetz Gallery to exhibition at Art Palm Springs this year. The exhibition was a huge success. I chose to only show 5 photos from the Pilgrimage of Heritage series.  These photos are printed on Ilford Gold Fibre Silk (310gsm)…

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